Monday, February 1, 2010

Current Issue: More Surprises for the New Hire College Graduate

In Office Space, the zany comedy about work place 
culture and rebellion, Peter, the very twenty-something 
main character asks the next cubicle occupant, Milton, 
the office nebbish, to turn down his radio.  “I was told I 
could keep it on at a low volume,” stumbles Milton in flat 
rejection of common courtesy.  Peter just rolls his eyes 
and glances at the clock.  It’s only 9:15 am.

Indeed, to many college graduates, the culture of work 
is filled with many such unpleasant surprises.  Our 
recent survey of new hire graduates surfaced a number 
of frequently mentioned revelations.

For example, former students said they didn’t realize 
how much attention—and money—was devoted to 
dressing professionally and “looking good.”  The idea of 
working in a cubicle affected several respondents.  
“Environmentally disappointing,” was how some in this 
environmentally-sensitive group described their space.  
They also reported bosses weren’t as understanding as 
professors, and co-workers weren’t as friendly as 
classmates.  In fact, one person reported people at his 
job weren’t eager to help new people out.  The need to 
learn fast and learn a lot was part of the package, and it 
was expected that they would take the initiative to learn.  
“There’s no end at work.  When you achieve a result, 
you are given more work.  At least in school it ends,” 
was one comment.  Indeed, the engine never stops. No 
one was providing a lecture for them to capture 
knowledge; for many, it was a do-it-yourself learning 
experience.  The need to work in teams—effectively 
communicating with colleagues—required a new set of 
responses far different from school.  Of course, 
diplomatically listening to and playing office politics and 
mastering red tape were challenges of their new world.

Even more disappointing, many respondents said that 
work was “essentially meaningless,” boring, not 
challenging and not using any of the knowledge gained 
through years of study.  “Every day is pretty much the 

Finally, new workers found that the amount of income 
they received for their labor was an unpleasant 
disappointment.  After taxes, retirement plans, dues and 
health insurance, take home pay was reported as much 
less than expected.  Bills, living expenses and payments 
on student loans made that amount even smaller.  One 
person put it this way:  “I make significantly less than I 
thought I would with my degree.”  With loan payments 
looming, you can understand how that obligation makes 
these new workers look at work in a bitter-sweet way.  
Yes, there is a job that brings in a salary, but they are 
not making that much when all is said and done, and the 
background pressure is always there to make sure they 
don’t lose their paycheck because of student loans.

Of course, new workers also have a sense of freedom 
from papers, tests, homework and “no more school.”  
But you wonder what the amplified pressures of working, 
learning how to survive in a somewhat alien—and 
sometimes unfulfilling—work culture and living on much 
less than expected can do to even the most confident 
new worker.

It would be useful if someone told them that finding 
friends at work makes a huge difference in how 
engaged they feel at work.  Or, an avuncular manager 
might offer advice on finances, giving them some control 
over money.  Unfortunately, that happens only by 
chance. Why don’t we build it in to our onboarding 

Yes, people adjust over time, but it appears that 
expectations are frequently adjusted downwards.

And at what price?  Surely, there must be a better way 
to welcome the new folks aboard.  

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