Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Ready To Change: An Organizational Readiness Checklist

An email from a far-flung correspondent brought this question:

“I know that there are certain times when an organization is ready to change and when it doesn’t make sense to try.  Is there a rubric or evaluation tool that I can use to assess an organization’s readiness for change?  What are the indicators I can look to and the levels to pull to get change going?”

An excellent question, and for anyone in a position of leadership it is certainly one of THE questions.  Ultimately what leaders bring to an organization is change.  This is not always perceived by the organization as a good thing.  Even when people who do see change as needed may not realize the degree of dislocation that changes often require.  Hence, being able to assess readiness is a central part of a leader’s tool box.

Whether it is increasing sales, growing into new markets, fixing processes, cutting costs, or improving the current quality of what customers are getting for their money, change should be an ongoing leadership agenda.  The degree and timeliness to which that change takes hold and “works”, is hard or easy, or captures the commitment of staff is a function of the organization’s readiness.  If leadership reads readiness incorrectly, haphazardly, or jumps before thinking through broad issues, then change might not be realized as envisioned.

Readiness to change is, in a sense, the degree to which all people in an organization are led to recognize that things need to be done differently now and that they are the people who will—must—make it happen.  That’s the end-state.  Let us deconstruct that notion on our way to making a checklist of sorts for leaders. 

r  The Need. 
Frankly, how painful is the status quo?  Does it hurt enough to capture everyone’s attention?  Do people in the organization get the idea that there is a big gap between where they are now and where they want to be, should be or could be?  What are the consequences if nothing is done?  How desirable and valued is moving away from the status quo to a new goal?

Are there numbers that describe the gap?  Numbers and data seem to be the gold standard in getting people’s attention.  No felt need, no impetus for change.

r  The Instigator. 
Who was the one who had the courage to raise his/her hand and say the gap hurts?  Or that there is an opportunity waiting?  Was it a position leader, aka “the boss”, or someone else?  A small group?  The whole group?  A single-voice in the wilderness?  Credibility and critical mass are issues here.  To get change moving, there has to be a palpable pusher who is taken seriously.  Complaints do not start change initiatives unless they are from the right people at the right volume.  Staff who are savvy about building coalitions and influencing can impact direction if they focus on documenting the business problem and solutions and being helpful contributors and not mutineers.

r  Alignment.  
Is everyone in the system seeing the same relative problem?  Is the gap being interpreted the same way by all parties?  Has the gap caused disparate coalitions and interest groups to form?  Is this a case of overcoming inertia and mediocrity and getting a critical mass on side, or is everyone in the organization actively looking for answers from…somewhere.  Do people agree there are challenges and opportunities ahead that need to and can be addressed? 

The same will be true of the solution when it emerges; is there commitment to the approach, the solution, the strategy—whatever it is that turns the corner.  Research has consistently shown how withholding full and wholehearted agreement at this point can sink the most righteous change effort.

r  Timing. 
What else is the organization facing?  Is the need-gap center stage now?  Are there distractions and too many activities and agenda items clouding up a clear path to getting people’s attention?  Are teams working on other initiatives?  Dedicated effort makes change happen; a change effort is sunk if it looks like simply something else to do.

r  Structure. 
Can the leader build a mechanism for making change happen?  Is there a change management governance committee in place, a task force, a group of anointed managers who are deputized to lead the charge?  Could there be?  Is this a cross-functional, multi-level team?  The leader of an organization can’t do it alone; the “structure” is the team that is focused on alignment, mobilization, and accelerating the change.

r  People.
Are there core, A-team allies on board who “get it”, who have the courage, patience, skill, dedication and vision to make this happen?  A talented team consists of people who are persistent, yet open.  How many are there on board?  The right people on the proverbial bus is the metaphor that Jim Collins indelibly embedded in the corporate world.  Are they present and accounted for?

As for the staff, how resistant are the resistors?  Will reason, patience, involvement and care-and-feeding help accommodate the antagonists?  Some people can be led only so far before they have to make a decision to commit or go.  How far is far?  Is there a sense on the part of leadership that there is specific and liberal amount of patience to deal with resistance and withholding at the end of which is a decision point?

r  Flexibility.
This is related to People.  Are people in the organization willing to be flexible?  Can there be a consensus about a solution or approach that might not be ideal, but is good enough for this time and place?  Is there room for people to come to terms, so to speak, on a reasonable new way of doing things?  What has the organization’s history lesson about adapting?

r  Leadership.
The best for last.  Is there a courageous leader with the vision or who constructs a vision and who is determined to press that agenda home?  Diplomatic, astute, willing to listen, political but always focused on the goal, determined to keep the pressure on for progress and never being easily discouraged, at least in public.  This leader has to enlist for the long haul, and be prepared to do what it takes.  Leaders, are you ready for that?  Without leadership, there is no change.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Summer Sayings: Teasing Wisdom from A Sentence

Print out, fold in half, insert in your beach novel.  Reflect, contemplate and bring back to your office to discuss, debate, and become wiser about making things work.

By Michael D. Maginn

e’ve collected provocative quotations for a long time.  We’ve found that thinking about them by yourself can help unlock some doors, change perspectives, and even stimulate new directions, especially if you happen upon one that sheds light on a problem.  In a group, discussing the meaning and implications of sayings and quotations can be a refreshing chance to get new ideas on the table.  For example, present a quotation to your group, discuss what it means, ask for examples and then ask, “Is there a lesson here we can use in our work?”  The results might surprise you.  

Quotations are like nano-cases, each one taking thoughts and discussion in a different direction.  This collection contains a potpourri from The Classics to Seinfeld.  Surely one of these might strike a chord and be worth bringing back to your desk. 

  1.  “Everyone has a strategy until I hit them.”  Mike Tyson, heavyweight world champion 
  1. “He is foolish to blame the sea who is shipwrecked twice.” Publilius Syrus, circa 40 BC.
  1. “The show doesn’t go on because it is ready.  It goes on because it is eleven-thirty.” Michael Lorme, Saturday Night Live 
  1. “In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.”  Albert Einstein 
  1. “Everything is mind-made.” Ayya Khema
  1. “Courage is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.”  Winston Churchill 
  1. “Sometimes the road less traveled is less traveled for a reason.” Jerry Seinfeld 
  1.  “People may not remember exactly what you did, or what you said, but they will always remember how you made them feel.” Carl W. Buechner, minister
  1. "If you want to make enemies, try to change something."  Woodrow Wilson 
  1. “What is in greatest demand today isn’t analysis but synthesis, recognizing patterns, crossing boundaries to uncover hidden perceptions and making bold leaps of imagination.”  Daniel H. Pink 
  1. “Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.”  Sun Tzu
  1. "Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known." Carl Sagan
  1. “One cannot step twice into the same river.” Heraclitus 
  1.  “Never judge a day by the weather.” Kimo’s Hawaiian Rules 
  1. “Incumbents very seldom invent the future.”  Eric Schmidt, CEO Google.
  1. “Imagination is more important than knowledge.” Albert Einstein
  1. “If we are facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep on walking.”  Buddhist proverb 
  1. "I cannot give you the formula for success, but I can give you the formula for failure — which is: Try to please everybody." Herbert Bayard Swope, journalist 
  1. “I buy when other people are selling.” J. Paul Getty
  1. “You can exert no influence if you are not susceptible to influence.”  Carl G. Jung 
  1. “I was always for change until it happened to me.”  Mid-level financial services manager
  1. “If there is no struggle, there is no progress.” Fredrick Douglass  
  1. “Non-obvious solutions require imagination.” Edward deBono 
  1. “Everyone hears only what he understands.” Goethe
  1. “If I asked my customers what they wanted, they would say ‘Faster Horses’.” Henry Ford
  1. “Make clients an integral part of every project team.” Tom Peters 
  1. “Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier.” Colin Powell
  1. “You can never plan the future by the past.” Edmund Burke 
  1. “We are what we repeatedly do.  Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” Aristotle. 
  1. “All things be ready if our minds be so.” William Shakespeare
  1. “If we do not try, we will not know.” Ayya Khema 
  1. “When you look annoyed all the time, people think that you're busy." George Costanza, Seinfeld
  1. “If you do everything right, you are doomed.” Clayton Christensen, on Disruptive Innovation 
  1. “It’s easy to get good players.  Getting them to play together, that’s the hard part.” Casey Stengel 
  1. “Successful institutions almost always develop strong cultures that [become] an enormous impediment to the institution’s ability to adapt.”  Lou Gerstner, former IBM CEO 
  1. “In thinking of how to solve a problem, your first idea is usually someone else’s.”  Anonymous 
  1. “You never gain something but that you lose something.” Henry D. Thoreau 
  1. “Innovation is a function of management.” Gary Hamel 
  1. “Adversity is what introduces you to yourself.” John F. McDonnell 
  1. “And no, we don't know where it will lead. We just know there's something much bigger than any of us here.” Steve Jobs 
  1. “How can you think and hit at the same time?” Yogi Berra
   42.  “There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.” William Shakespeare.

  1. “It is what you learn after you know it all that counts.” John Wooden
  1. “Beware of all enterprises that require new clothes.” Henry D. Thoreau 
  1.  “There is only one boss. The customer. And he can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down, simply by spending his money somewhere else.”  Sam Walton
  1. “Branding is so bloody obvious.  When one has an ‘identity’, life gets a lot simpler.” Tom Peters 
  1. “If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.” Anthony Robbins
  1. “To live for some future goal is shallow. It's the sides of the mountain that sustain life, not the top.”  Robert M. Pirsig

  2. “Be nice to nerds.  Chances are, you’ll be working for one.”  Bill Gates
  1. “Don’t bleed before you’re shot.” Irish Proverb

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Ambition Should Be Made Of Sterner Stuff

The pursuit of mediocrity is always successful[1].  What does it take to pursue exceptional performance?

As any manager knows, implementing change doesn’t come easily.  Introducing new roles and functions in a work process, creating new client handoffs between groups, installing new ways of communicating—all of these, and, of course, many more—are chances to trot out tools learned in Change Management 101.  Describe the vision.  Sell the benefits.  Accentuate the positive.  Coach the cynical and hold people accountable.  These practices coax and cajole people into a new direction.  And yet in our consulting practice, we find over and over again that often these tactics aren’t enough. 

The problem is people don’t engage with the same level of commitment to the change as the leaders do.  Something is always missing; enthusiasm is so often curbed by reluctance, holding back and skepticism. We’ve seen too many people shake their heads in agreement about a new way of working, then engage in ongoing rear-guard criticism of why the new way doesn’t work, makes more problems, has been forced on them, often blaming others for not complying and the like.

And yet, there are those leaders who have driven organizations from the status quo into “infinity and beyond”.  What can a mid-level manager in any organization learn about change from these gamer-changing CEOs like Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, IBM’s Lou Gerstner, GE’s Jack Welch, Intel’s Larry Ellison and Apple’s Steve Jobs?

It appears that when the leader of an organization is out to create a new space in the market and change the rules of the game, then pushing people beyond their self-limitations has to be a combination of matchless, inspiring rhetoric passionately describing a shining vision paired with an audacious, relentless—sometimes sharply worded‑‑pressure to perform[2]

The perfect case to explore this phenomenon is Steve Jobs and the development of the Macintosh.

Steve Jobs: Beyond Brash

I had often heard Steve Jobs described as “brash” and “difficult” before I read Walter Isaacson’s new authorized biography[3] of the late Silicone Valley sorcerer.  Half-way through the text, it becomes clear that brash is a colossal understatement. 

As reported by Isaacson’s many personal and business interviewees, the Steve Jobs who drove the Macintosh development team in the early 1980s was obnoxious, manipulative, back-stabbing, lying, self-serving, relentless, prone to tantrums and crying jags when he didn’t get his way, and totally ungrateful for the efforts of engineers working 100-hour weeks to create a new world of computing.  His reactions to almost all ideas was “This is sh*t”, leaving no clue what was amiss.  He would go into the Mac building at eleven at night, and his engineers would bring him code.  He would take it and literally throw it back at them. “How can you turn it down without even looking at it?” his astonished manager would ask. “I know they can do better.”

One of his senior executives from the time said, “Steve would have made an excellent King of France.”

On the other hand, he was also a charmer, catching people up in his “weirdly charismatic” way with words.  One top Pixar team member said, “You almost had to get deprogrammed after you talked to him.”  In his late 20s, he was able to recruit John Sculley from Pepsi, a middle-aged, establishment CEO who he challenged with this now famous closing line: “Do you want to spend the rest of your life selling sugared water, or do you want a chance to change the world?”  Sculley was hooked. 

Through this combination of uncompromising unreasonableness and the seduction of greatness, he was able to create groundbreaking products, marrying technology with art, shattering long-held models of how computers were designed, built and used, and opening up the world to entirely new, fresh and overwhelmingly successful concepts that were “insanely great”. 

If you are student of leadership and life in organizations, you have to wonder how on earth Steve Jobs could achieve a total renaissance in technology in two decades —computing, desk-top publishing, movies, music, phones, tablets, apps—with a personal style that was demoralizing, demeaning and yet passionately committed to a vision that, at the time, was revolutionary?  Does it take in-your-face leadership produce game-changing, iconoclastic outcomes?

Building the Macintosh: How to Be a Pirate

The Macintosh team was working on an idea that was bigger than big—a rule-breaking computer with a new graphic interface that was also an aesthetic masterpiece—that they knew would literally uplift, expand, and energize the industry and, yes, the world.

What Jobs—the Jobs who had charm and a way with words—sold over and over again was the challenge that he put in front of his team, and the core idea that it would take completely new thinking to become free of what they thought was possible.  The team knew it was working with a creative genius at the edge of a revolution, and most of them bought it and, more importantly, they believed it and wanted to be part of it. To get through the ambiguity and confusion of invention and innovation, they had to get out of their mental boxes and assumptions and be willing to fail over and over again.  Their path was to “Think Different.”  The good Jobs gave them a reason to go into the unknown, and the bad Jobs drove them beyond their self-imposed limitations.  “It can be done” was a mantra.

The good Jobs gave the team a brand and a role to play out.  He said, “It’s better to be a pirate than to join the Navy.”  It was a masterful play to the achievement-oriented engineers and designers who knew the “Navy” at the time was Microsoft and IBM, the buttoned-down Big Brothers of the industry.  As pirates, they could run over convention, upset the status quo with permission to be bold, inventive and iconoclastic.  Interestingly, Margaret Thatcher—the Iron Lady—also viewed herself as “the rebel head of an establishment government.”[4]  Pirates and rebels don’t have to follow the rules; that’s what defines them and gives them their advantage, especially in designing breakthrough technology.

Of course, it wasn’t easy to be at Apple in the mid-1980s, even as a bold pirate, mostly because of the bad Jobs’ abrasiveness.  He had a low tolerance for engineers and designers who said things couldn’t be done, firing them sometimes on the spot.  He insisted on perfection, and he drove a lot of talented, but frustrated people away.  I think he was continually convincing people that this effort was going to be built on trial and error in the pursuit of perfection.  “By expecting them to do great things, you can get them to do great things,” said Steve Jobs.

Those who stayed at Apple probably stuck it out for “the esteem of their peers,” said industry veteran Jim Starkey[5], a software wizard who has been in high tech since the early 80s.  “Being known as a member of the Mac team means being a rock star, having a Wikipedia page, being introduced at conferences as a legend.”  In short, people put up with Jobs for the glory of going down in history as the highest-level A-players in a competitive profession at the exact moment everything changed.

In the end, the “pirates” won and eventually even learned to work with “The Navy” when Apple and Microsoft partnered on software for the Mac.

What Can We Learn From Jobs As Leader of Change?

We certainly aren’t encouraging leaders to become abrasive, abusive, insensitive martinets with no empathy for the struggle people naturally have with change.  What we are saying is that a change agent has to show passion and commitment to the new idea, along the way demonstrating an emotional edge that will get people’s attention and send an insistent message that change must happen.

As we mentioned, one of the problems in leading change is getting people to commit to it with fervor and genuine engagement.  Describing direction and the benefits—the “Vision Thing”—can lead to understanding, an important component of commitment.  However, intellectually understanding direction is not nearly enough to motivate exceptional performance.  Unfortunately, that’s where a lot of change programs stop in their attempt to capture people’s imagination.  Talking at people in rationale terms about the results of analysis and new ideas and even exciting new direction doesn’t do it.  The emotional hook is missing. 

When the leader and his/her immediate management team demonstrates personal commitment through tough and risky decisions, holding people accountable, making sacrifices and upholding high and new standards of performance, then people begin to believe that this leader is serious.  Being a committed role model is surely instrumental in showing that the change is real.  However, that still isn't enough to viscerally grab people in the organization and move them to achieve great things.

It is the pushing, driving, insisting and occasional voice-raising and desk-pounding that moves complacent, skeptical, and even cynical souls into action.  When Jobs saw mediocrity, he pushed back, demanding more again and again.  Perhaps some people need to be pressured like that to go beyond.  Perhaps the show of emotion by a leader is a wake-up call they might not have ever experienced before from a leader, serving as the convincer that the vision is, in fact, real, serious and worth it.  But this kind of emotional pressure without the challenge of achieving a magnificent payoff just leads to exhaustion.

Of course, the pay off for the Mac team was glory and, for some, celebrity.  On the other hand, if the changes you and your organization are facing are more pedestrian, like moving from a multiple point of contact with a client—for example—to a single “relationship manager” model, the reward certainly isn’t going to be industry acclaim.  And yet, even in these prosaic changes, we constantly see the need to artfully position and repeat the vision—the purpose, the benefits—and insist, sometimes loudly, on seeing action because inertia and human nature need to be overcome. 

The Role of Leader’s Emotional Edge in Change

Michael Maccoby, in his article Narcissistic Leaders, points out that great leaders—productive narcissists, as he calls them‑‑ understand the vision thing because they are typically big picture people.  They also are masters at describing the new direction with passionate eloquence that “can move mountains.”  While not every mid-manager is, nor should, strive to be a narcissist—there are dark, even pathological, downsides to this personality profile—every manager should learn that instilling change requires an emotional edge that reaches into and challenges each person’s sense of complacency.  To ignore the role of emotion in the change process is to fail to deploy change’s greatest lever.

[1] Karl Albrecht
[2] Maccoby, Michael Narcissistic Leaders, The Incredible Pros, The Inevitable Cons, Harvard Business Review, January 2004.
[3] Isaacson, Walter, Steve Jobs, Simon and Schuster, 2011
[4]Yergin, Daniel, The Commanding Heights, NY, Simon & Shuster, 1998
[5] Email, February 24, 2012